Moxie Surfaces
Translucent Panels
Moxie Surfaces – Translucent Panels
Moxie Surfaces is the US distributor for Design-Composite, the worlds leading manufacturer if exterior, interior and acoustically absorbent translucent panels. Panels are used to produce design elements that create fascinating effects with regard to light scattering and light and sound absorption.
Moxie Surfaces video presentations
Moxie Surfaces - Design Composite
Moxie Surfaces - Screens & Partitions
AIR-board Acoustic & AIR-board Acoustic Quiet
Moxie Surfaces brochure
Interested in Moxie Surfaces’ products?
Translucent Honeycomb Panels, Translucent Composite panels, Structural panels, Polycarbonate Panels, Transparent Acoustical Panels, Translucent Acoustical Clouds, Translucent Acoustical Baffles, Transparent Acoustical Dividers and Partitions, Back Lit Flooring, Balcony Panels, Canopy Panels, Pergola Panels